5 ways you can use Chat GPT to boost your marketing plans

Chat GPT is currently one of the most trending topics in the market, and for good reason, it’s a game changer, no doubt.

In basic terms it’s an excellent assistant, capable of performing basic tasks with just a few lines of well thought out commands. The more accurate and detailed your command, the better the outcome. Think of your commands like a brief, the more they have in them, the greater the output.

The seemingly magical capabilities come from Chat GPT’s dense neural network of more than 175 billion parameters and insane natural language processing abilities.

But if you’re honest with yourself, and me, you have no idea how to use it for your own businesses marketing or content strategy.

This blog post contains 5 practical ways to use ChatGPT for Social Media Marketing.

1.📆 Create Content Calendars 📆

One of the best ways to use Chat GPT is to help support your content creation, whether that is a monthly social media plan, email marketing topic list or web content.

As I mentioned previously, it’s all about the command, so the more you focus, the more detail you add, the better the output. It’s not just the type of content you need to ask for, but the format too.

Command: Create a social media content calendar for a new vegan donut bakery in Middlesborough. I want the calendar for April 2023 in a tabular format, including the date, post idea, and caption.

2.#️⃣ Find Relevant Hashtags #️⃣

Don’t know which hashtag to use in your post? Struggling to cut through the noise on Instagram? Ask ChatGPT for help! Even better, you can alter the provided command, to find hashtags by caption or goal.

Command: List of the hashtags related to Vegan Donuts

3.🤳 Find Influencers for your campaigns 🤳

Thinking of working with influencers, but not sure where to start looking for the right ones for you and your campaign.

ChatGPT can find influencers in your niche, giving you a starting off point for campaign. Again, as before, the more information you add in the better. Be that locations, niche and platform along with your goal.

Command: Find me 10 UK Instagram influencers who focus on vegan lifestyle and food with more than 5000 followers

4.📝 Write Social Posts📝

As we saw earlier Chat GPT can help you create content plans, but it can go one step further. It can help you generate the actual posts, from simple call to action captions to detailed content that offers value and insights to your followers/prospective customers.

Take the following prompt, for example:

Command: Act like you are a highly experienced social media copywriter. Write an effective post on how to make more sustainable lifestyle choices. The post should be engaging and start with a solid hook to grab the reader’s attention.

5.🛒 Social Media Ad Copy🛒

Social media ads send most people into a tailspin, if that sounds about right, I’m pretty sure most of that is down to two things, the copy for the ads, and the audience you want to see said ads. Chat GPT can come in handy, firstly you can use it to generate ad copy for various platforms, the secondly generate Take the following prompt, for example.

Command 1: Create me a Facebook Ad copy for a vegan donut shop in the north of England

Command 2: Create me a Facebook Ad audience for a vegan donut shop in the north of England

So, there you have it, 5 ways you can use Chat GPT to help support and boost your social media presence.

I would love to know if you put any of these into practice, and how you get on with it!