social media tips

5 ways you can use Chat GPT to boost your marketing plans

5 ways you can use Chat GPT to boost your marketing plans

Chat GPT is currently one of the most trending topics in the market, and for good reason, it’s a game changer, no doubt.

The seemingly magical capabilities come from Chat GPT’s dense neural network of more than 175 billion parameters and insane natural language processing abilities.

This blog post contains 5 practical ways to use ChatGPT for Social Media Marketing.

Key Dates Your Business Can Benefit From In 2023

Key Dates Your Business Can Benefit From In 2023

New year, a new fire in your belly when it comes to your brands’ social presence, but find yourself a few months in and not much has changed? This post will help with that. 

Whilst it can seem that there is a National Something Or Other Day constantly, it would be remiss to ignore them all, as it might just be they provide you with anything from inspiration to a tool to advance your product or service. 

To help you get started, I've pulled together a handy list!